Good afternoon Butch, words cannot express how much I love the pavers! They never ever looked this new. Thank you for doing such an awesome job for us. We really really appreciate it. Please don’t retire! Take care. D. Ciard
The experience obtained through 30 years in this business allows us to identify the needs of our customers. We strive to meet these needs on every level of service. All employees are licensed and insured. Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction.
PAVEROLOGY — Although some manufacturers claim their pavers look ‘new’ forever – the reality is that all concrete pavers weather and require cleaning to restore their “new” appearance. Think of sealing your pavers in the same way you would polish and buff your floors or wax your car. The process restores the original beauty and protects them from future staining.
Fortunately with the revolutionary, new system – Seal ‘n Lock – you can erase the mellowing effects harsh weather and daily living can have on your pavers. PAVERPROS –Clean My Pavers is an EP Henry Certified Sealing Specialists™, the Seal ‘n Lock System™:
WE can Clean and enhance your pavers in just 1 day! Other systems require 2-5 days
Is ecologically safe and child/pet friendly
Cleans the sediments that develop over time from natural elements like rain, snow, and rotting leaves
Is an aesthetic consideration – you can choose a matte finish or a richer sheen, plus protect against future staining caused by natural elements and food mishaps …and when performed by an EP Henry Certified Sealing Specialist such as Clean My Pavers you can be assured that the job is done right!